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Wednesday, June 15, 2011



Hey sports fans!

Today has been another good day. I am heading to to the gym with my friend Manny. Jacuzzi sounds fun.

For those of you that can make it, I am going to take part in a special baptism at 12:00, this Sunday at Rolling Hills Church . 3550 SW Borland Rd. Tualatin, OR. rollinghills.org

If anyone has seen the Sun, could you send him back to Portland, Oregon.

Tip of the day. Believe you can exceed speculation. If you are having a hard time with your strength walking up the stairs or up a hill, think back, you are an athlete. Push through it, don't let the pain hold you back. Feel the pain an

d rule over it. You are the master of your attitude and will power..

Tuesday, June 14, 2011



Hey there sorts fans!

I remember as a child hearing the grown ups talk about good days and bad days. Now as a much older Man I know the good days they spoke of could have been a day very much like today was for me.

When I woke a few days ago I was in the worst pain that I have ever felt. This morning the pain was the mildest I have felt in months.Here is what has changed.
I completed the Radiation Treatments, one of my doctors increased my dosage on my pain pills, I was given a sleeping pill to try to sleep through out the night. I did not sleep all night but it was better.

More tests the next few days. I hope the radiation treatments start paying off.

Tip of The Day!
Don't be afraid to reach out. We don't always

know how much our friends love us and Don't let grudges keep you from enjoying life with your friends and loved ones.

Monday, June 13, 2011



Hey sports fans. No beating around the bush today.I woke up in the most pain to date.I have a heating pad on my hip, a few more pain pills than the doc said I should take and medical grade MJ. I have been up most of the night. I'm waiting for Beth to take me back to the hospital for pain control and then radiation treatment at the Hospital this afternoon. Going to try to get my motorcycle back down to San Diego.I am looking to fly back to San Diego Saturday. I am meeting Eric R and Mike C this friday afternoon for lunch. Feel free to join us. No place or time yet.

Tip of the day.
The doctors don't know everything. Just because they t, ell you that you only have a few weeks or years live,its just a educated guess. Let the power of your mind and the power of God to boost you on till the next day. Know there will will be a next day.Another ride on the bike,another ice cream cone.
Don't stop exercising! a little exercise is better then none. Just because your legs might be sore, force yourself to climb one more step. Don't wimp out.
Pray. I will never be accused of being Billy Graham, but I know the lord is watching over me and God is sending me his angels in the formofmy friends. You have all been so kind and supportive to me. Fight the urge to take your life. People ask me that all the time and I always say no. I have thought about it but there is no way I want to be remembered as being a quitter.Finish strong, finish hard, leave yourself on the playing field. I will never take my own life. I have fought to hard to do myself in.
Dont be afraid to say I love you. I got over the fear factor and I tell my friends, male or female. Love does not have to be sexual. The truth be told I have found that sex ruins more friend ships then it creates. I have always been in the pursuit of the next romance. The next woman. Its an obsession for me.I have killed friendships over trying to find "the One." There are many of you I love. I am not going to mention names, you know who you are.
Follow your dreams. Don't let anyone tell you you cant do something. Never give up, never throw in the towel

Well,I better get ready for the doctor. Peace and love to you all. There is a chance the doctors might admit me to the hospital for pain contol I don't want them to admit me. I fear if the check me in, I will not be walking out.

Sunday, June 12, 2011



Hey Sports fans!Today should be a great one. I woke up to sunshine this morning. I thought what a great day to go to church with old friends and praise the Lord.

I am feeling pretty good for where I am at this stage in my life. So, this morning I am going to Church with my friend Beth and her family.

I started thinking I might be of some help to others who may read this Blog after I am gone. I am going to start giving some tips for staying around longer than anyone thought you would.

$ KEEP POSITIVE !!!! "All of life is a journey; which paths we take, what we look back on, and what we look forward to is up to us. We determine our destination, what kind of road we will take to get there, and how happy we are when we get there. From A Little Book of Happiness

I guess this is where this blog is going to get hard for me. I woke today with pain in new areas and and it took more pain pills to neutralize the pain. The doctor yesterday asked me if I wanted to admit myself into the hospital. No!I am not ready to throw in the towel. I do feel myself in more pain, more times in the day.It feels like I am on a downward spin. This is where I need your prayers of strength and courage.


Saturday, June 11, 2011



I'm off for another adventurous day at Portland VA Hospital. One wonders what an exciting day it could be. I will be taking the bus or the train.I am going to be getting more fluids to bring down my Calcium numbers.Wish me luck.

Friday, June 10, 2011



Today seemed like a nice day as soon as the pain pills kick in. This can be the hardest part of the day for me since when I wake up it has generally been several hours since I took my last pain pills. My plan is to set a alarm for about three hours after I crash, Take my pain pills and then go back to bed.By the time I wake up, it is time for another does.I will let you know how my plan works.



Good Morning Sports Fans!

I had a pretty good day yesterday all and all. I have to admit the adventure I had at the VA hospital and the OHSU was one for the books. I won't get into the gory details, but lets just say it was a test of my faith in Mankind.I saw a doctor from Oncology who is putting me on a new Chemo medication. I can't tell you the name of such medication because when I went to pick it up I found out the order had not been processed. To be fare though, the medication to help me sleep was not there either.
I then went to an appointment at Orthopedics. They had no idea why I was there which was kind of funny since I had no idea either. We did have a good time getting to know each other however. Made a few new friends while I sat for hours for X-Rays of my hip. Its funny to watch doctors tap dance and try to act smart when it is obvious to me, if not the world, this person must have paid someone to take his test for him a doctor school. I truly believe I knew more about orthopedics than the doctor did, just by watching "House" on TV.It is nice though that our government is keeping kids off the street by giving them jobs as doctors. The sad part is even though I made some new friends, I was now almost three hours late for my Radiation treatments. This is the part where I found out my medications that were allegedly submitted came in. So anyway I was now about three hours late for my last appointment. In the end of my adventure I was set to go back to Sue's place.
Sue and I went to a BBQ/Pot Luck party one of her co-workers were having. I made some new friends and had some good eats. It was my first social gathering where I did not drink anything stronger than a can of Coke. Fun was had by all and we made it back home. I felt good.
This morning I awoke to the worst pain I have had to date. The good news is it only took about a half hour for the pain meds to kick in. I am looking forward to a good weekend. It looks like Karaoke tonight with some of Sue's friends. I also have my fourth Radiation treatment today and I hope to pick up my medication from the VA.
I hope you all have a great day. Trust God to be there for you when no one else is, have faith in your friends and know that real friends are there for you rain or shine, and be glad to know that are streets are safer after keeping our misguided youth off the streets and giving them jobs at the VA.LOL. Sorry to anyone who works at the VA who might take offense from my last statement. In the end remember that God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy. Peace!

Thursday, June 9, 2011



Hi there Sports Fans,
Yesterday I had my second radiation treatment done on my spine, right hip, and abdomen area. I don't know if it is to soon to tell, but I think I feel better. The purpose of the radiation is to stop the cancer from paralysis or weakness to my spine, and to help control the pain. The doctors are also trying to control the rapid increase of calcium in my blood. They say it is affected a number of problems including nausea,forgetfulness,and fatigue.

Today I have appointment with my Oncologist as well as with radiology. I will end up having five treatments with radiology this week. I hope to be able to cut down on my pain medications. I seem to be a little loopy and may be walking/talking in my sleep. It has gotten to the point where it may be a concern. I don't want to lose my independence.

I want to thank my friends Beth, Manny, Sue, and Traci for visiting me in the hospital. The doctors want me to stay here is Portland for a few more weeks. After that I will be heading back down to San Diego. I would like to find someone with a pickup truck I can load my motorcycle in and drive it down to San Diego, camping out along the way. If not I will try to ride it down. If it sounds like I am confused, I am.

I say things that seem wise at the time, like the letter I sent out to several friends yesterday morning that I now kind of regret sending. There are people who I thought were my friends who now I am not so sure. I am just plain confused and I feel like a fool. I feel like facebook is just another way for me to stick my foot in my mouth.

I guess if you are on my blog, you must care about me. For those who I have offended I am sorry.For those who feel I have done them wrong,I am sorry. Its so easy to say I won't be a problem for them very much longer, but I am not ready to go. I am not asking for your pity and if it bothers you that I am not working and I do not plan on working,I am sorry for that too. I have been lucky I have Veterans benefits and disability benefits that allow me not to work right now. I am not really worried about my credit rating right now, so I am not rushing out to pay my credit card bills.
If I owe you money and you are holding a grudge against me,let me know. The people I know I owe money I will pay them ASAP. I will not ask for anymore help. I am what I am, and that's all that I am. Love me or hate me.I'm going to work at living as long as I can. I hope to continue to make new friends and work even harder to keep the ones I have. I ask for peace, love, and kindness. I don't want your money, and I won't ask you for your time if you don't have time to give. A very wise woman told me yesterday that the day I take my last breath on Earth, is the day I take my first breath in Heaven.
Well, believe it or not, it is a sunny day here in Portland. I am going to get dressed and maybe wear my shorts to my Doctors appointment. God bless you all.
Jim Hall

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I am starting to feel the affects of the cancer more than ever. For the first time, my Calcium levels
are playing a part in my illness. My doctor has explained how excessive calcium levels can affect me. I have been making light of forgetting names. For instance I
have called Humming birds, Butter Flies. I have called Hash brown's Pancakes. I can't remember words or names that I use daily. I have also been throwing up three or four times a day and have no appetite.

My doctors ask me all the time if I am numb or tingly anywhere. I loose my sun glasses just about every day. That is becoming expensive and inconvenient. I can’t remember any of my medications or if I have taken them or not. I am told I have said things and have been to places I have no memory of. I now have several pairs of motorcycle gloves with only one glove. I also fall asleep without warning and it takes me way to long to complete simple tasks. For instance, I have been working on this blog for going on two hours. Simple tasks are becoming difficult. I say things I don’t mean to say and when people tell me what I said or did, I have no memory of saying them. I have started a journal to keep track of things. I am also starting to hallucinate. Not big things but yesterday I swear I saw the TV start to fall off the wall, onto someone who had come to visit me.
This is starting to freak me out. The first sensation I felt this morning was I had to urinate and throw up at the same time.. The doctor subscribe me nausea medication. I hope most of this is caused by taking so much pain medication. and the radiation therapy will eliminate most of these symptoms.
So anyway, thanks To the people who have been there for me the most? I know I will forget some people. Please forgive me: Sue Westby, Susie Rimerman, Greg Selby, Beth Hoover, Manny, My kids and other family members, Bill Ortiz. Mike and Kimberly Shutters, who have opened to me their heart and home, and the various VA Heath centers. The doctors and nurses, the kind man who helped me pull my motorcycle off me after I crashed it and followed me to the VA on my bike. The owner of Apple Fitness Center in Tyler who have worked with me to manage my plan

It took md almost four hours four hours to type this. Im off gto the VA n0w


Sunday, June 5, 2011

In the Hospital


Hi All,
I rode my bike up tp Portland Oregon to visit friends and family. I was having a Hell of a time getting my cancer medication and so I decided to ride my motorcycle to the Portland VA Hospital. No big surprise it was raining when I rode to the hospital and I ended up crashing my motorcycle. The VA sent me to OHSU (Trama Hospital) who checked me in for pain control and to run a CT scan on my spine, hip, and and abdamon. They discovered my hip is fractured woirse than was thought and it has spread further in my spine. I have an appointment to see a Radiation Doctor tomorow to discus radiation treatment. I asked if the radiation would stop the cancer and was told my cancer is spreading very fast because it is now in my blood and would be mainly for pain control. There is a possiblity of surgery, even though it is risky to do so with my cancer spreading like it is. I will be in the hospital (OHSU) untill at least tomorrow.
The doctor told me it is okay to ride my bike on short trips only and to eat what ever I wanted to since my time is growing short. Not allot to be positive about but I am trying. It looks like I will be leaving my bike in Portland when I do head back to Portland and will either fly or drive next time I come back to portland. My medications have been changed to a much stronger dose.
The good news is I am still alive, my bike and I both survived my ride from San Diego to Portland, and that I have not given up. I ask for your prayers and support. I need you all more than ever. God bless you all.