Hi there Sports Fans,
Yesterday I had my second radiation treatment done on my spine, right hip, and abdomen area. I don't know if it is to soon to tell, but I think I feel better. The purpose of the radiation is to stop the cancer from paralysis or weakness to my spine, and to help control the pain. The doctors are also trying to control the rapid increase of calcium in my blood. They say it is affected a number of problems including nausea,forgetfulness,and fatigue.
Today I have appointment with my Oncologist as well as with radiology. I will end up having five treatments with radiology this week. I hope to be able to cut down on my pain medications. I seem to be a little loopy and may be walking/talking in my sleep. It has gotten to the point where it may be a concern. I don't want to lose my independence.
I want to thank my friends Beth, Manny, Sue, and Traci for visiting me in the hospital. The doctors want me to stay here is Portland for a few more weeks. After that I will be heading back down to San Diego. I would like to find someone with a pickup truck I can load my motorcycle in and drive it down to San Diego, camping out along the way. If not I will try to ride it down. If it sounds like I am confused, I am.
I say things that seem wise at the time, like the letter I sent out to several friends yesterday morning that I now kind of regret sending. There are people who I thought were my friends who now I am not so sure. I am just plain confused and I feel like a fool. I feel like facebook is just another way for me to stick my foot in my mouth.
I guess if you are on my blog, you must care about me. For those who I have offended I am sorry.For those who feel I have done them wrong,I am sorry. Its so easy to say I won't be a problem for them very much longer, but I am not ready to go. I am not asking for your pity and if it bothers you that I am not working and I do not plan on working,I am sorry for that too. I have been lucky I have Veterans benefits and disability benefits that allow me not to work right now. I am not really worried about my credit rating right now, so I am not rushing out to pay my credit card bills.
If I owe you money and you are holding a grudge against me,let me know. The people I know I owe money I will pay them ASAP. I will not ask for anymore help. I am what I am, and that's all that I am. Love me or hate me.I'm going to work at living as long as I can. I hope to continue to make new friends and work even harder to keep the ones I have. I ask for peace, love, and kindness. I don't want your money, and I won't ask you for your time if you don't have time to give. A very wise woman told me yesterday that the day I take my last breath on Earth, is the day I take my first breath in Heaven.
Well, believe it or not, it is a sunny day here in Portland. I am going to get dressed and maybe wear my shorts to my Doctors appointment. God bless you all.
Jim Hall
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