by Jim Hall on Friday, January 7, 2011 at 6:15pm
Hey sports fans, where ever you may be. It looks like the bottom of the 8th, two outs, no one on base,and a batter with a 0 and two count. The score is Cancer 10, me 5. It has been a long battle. For my friends who do not know, I have been fighting this cancer that started as Kidney cancer since about 2005 or 2004. At first they gave me no more than two years to live. That was almost six years ago.
But as life goes, nothing and no one lasts forever. As you may know, I took a trip to Dallas to talk to a world renowned Oncologist, Dr. Khan. Dr. Khan told me that the doctor I have been seeing for the last four years or so is doing everything he would have done if I had been his patient from the start. He spoke to Dr. Kumar on the phone and he told me he has all the faith in the world that Dr. Kumar is very smart and knows exactly what she is doing in cancer treatments.
So where do I stand you might ask? Here is the short and not so sweet of it. The cancer has gone from my left kidney, to my upper right lung, to both lungs, and within the last month, to my ribs, vertebra, and both the Femur bones. He said we need to give the new medication time to see if it is working, about three months. I guess after that it is radiation. Some may ask why I don't do radiation now? I told my doctor that the quality of my life was more important the quantity of my life. I also asked not to be put on morphine or any other drugs that will make me not able to ride my motorcycle. Of course, I have been advised not to ride my bike but you know what I say to that. NOT GONNA HAPPEN!
In my life time I have been fans of three baseball teams. The Baltimore Orioles from my early child hood, The Seattle Mariners, from the years I lived in Oregon and Washington State, the San Diego Padres from the 25 years I lived in San Diego, and I am trying real hard to be a fan of the Texas Rangers, but I don't see it happening. Anyway, Of all the ball games I have watched, I have not seen very many teams come back from a five run deficit, especially with two out in the bottom of the 8th. But I have seen it done.
I here today make this promise to myself, to my family, Susie, Anne, and all my other friends who have stood by me. I have not given up the fight. As long as my legs will support my motorcycle I am going to ride, as long as I can walk on the dance floor, I am going to dance, and if God tells me it is time to go home. I am going to tell him to take a hike, because I am not ready to go! God bless you all.
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Jim, different sports metaphor... I think you were there the night, our senior year, the Pacers played the Milwaukie Mustangs in football. They kicked our ass all over the field for three quarters. It was humiliating. We got halfway through the fourth quarter, and all the Pacers started to get up and head to the buses. Trudging around the endzone to our rides home, I remember looking to my right and thinking, "holy shit, are they coming THIS WAY?" The Pacers had intercepted and were running up the field to the Milwaukie goal line... they made a touchdown. They made the extra point. They kicked and then took the ball away again... and I stood there in that endzone, freezing cold, and ruined what was left of my voice screaming for our team as we came back and won.
ReplyDeleteI've held onto that night ever since. It can happen. It DOES happen. Even when you've started to walk for the bus, the game can still be won.
That is outstanding Clif! Reading that gave me chills. I can tell you this. This sports fan is doing everything I can think of to beat this. I know the odds are way against me. But if you me, I love a good challenge and I love to root for the under dog. Thank you for that memory.
ReplyDeleteI guess I've been somewhat in denial about your cancer Jim. Thanks for sharing. I pray you are blessed with many more 'at bats'.
ReplyDeleteIf I wasnt living in KY I'd talk you into letting me take your bike for a ride...sweet.
Thank you Mark. I feel the same way with my Cancer. I had felt pretty confident about it since it did not really feel like I had cancer. I was not in the slightest amount ill, I had no pain at all. I was able to work out five days a week and also do yoga. It was not until October when the you know what hit the fan.
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you for the nice comment about my bike. I am having more fun on it then you could ever imagine. The longest trip I have taken has been about 50 miles each way. I'm waiting for nicer weather for a longer ride.
Anytime you get to Tyler again, I would be happy to let you ride her. By the way, her name is Elvira. I am adding blue micro-lights along the gas tank, front end and rear end. Should look awesome when it is done.