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Thursday, February 17, 2011



Hi Friends,
I went to the VA today and it looks like they are going to cover me on all my medical conditions. This is such great news. I hurt my back a little on my motorcycle. Hit a dip at 50 mph and tweaked my back just a bit. It was cool being airborne for a few seconds. Good night my friends. I miss you.


  1. That is as good a bit of news as I've heard in some time!

  2. Jim, that's GREAT news, considering your other insurance ran out recently. I had paid for COBRA after I got laid off, but considering what I use for their services, it's a RIP-OFF (especially considered the costs involve). But in a situation like your's, it might actually be better if you don't like the VA docs.

    Once I ran out of COBRA, there was NO FRIGGIN' WAY we could afford the HIPAA plan premiums, vs. what medical care I needed. It was COMPLETELY ridiculous!! They wanted OVER $500 a month to keep my insurance through HIPAA, although the only thing I needed was medications at less than $100 a month (RETAIL price).

    My ex-wife told me she had a friend who was turned down for medical insurance because she'd had a yeast infection within the last FOUR YEARS. You GOTTA' be friggin' KIDDING ME!!!??!?!?! A woman got a YEAST INFECTION and they denied her insurance because of THAT???? YES, they did (in California). Perhaps if she'd applied through PLANNED PARENTHOOD (read Planned ABORTION), she might have gotten better results.

    Sure, it's a damn mess, but if you (not you personally, Jim) think that the FEDERAL GOVT. can regulate the system better and ride herd on all those claims MUCH BETTER than a private organization, I'd say SOMEONE has been smoking the Obama pole FAR TOO LONG and HARD ('cause they're not getting much more out of it at this time - it's all vapors and leaves-in-the-wind).

    Jim, I love ya' (but you'll NEVER replace my wife!! - you know what I mean), and have ALWAYS respected you - so I want you to do what you need to do to enjoy the rest of the time you have left. If that means moving back to SoCal to be with your son & daughter, SO BE IT.

    I can GUARANDAMNTEE that your kids will cherish every minute you have left with them. I thank God that I was living near my dad when he got sick and went into the hospital for the last time. If I'd lived a long ways away, I would have had to make all kinds of arrangements just to see and visit him in the hospital.

    If you want to ride your bike from Texas to San Diego, I might be able to ride with you. We could ride and stop/camp along the way (or stay in motels) riding hundreds of miles per day until we got to where you were headed. Personally, I'd much prefer it was one of your kids to ride with you, but they have lives of their own and I'm not working right now.

    Jim, if this is something you'd like to do, CALL ME (you should have my numbers). But if we do this, I'd like to video tape it for your kids (but I don't have a suitable recorder) - and NO professional camera crew, no damn media, just a couple of guys riding bikes from Texas to CA.

    I would also like to involve your kids, if possible. My only problem would be finding a bike to ride - and a rental would financially kick my butt. Perhaps I could deliver a bike to someone in SoCal from Texas?

    If you want to do this, we can probably work out a way to make it work (as I look for work along the way, 'cause the employment situation in CA just SUCKS).

    You interested???

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  4. Jim, unfortunately, I can't post a picture to your blog, but I can post a link to a photo my wife took of me on my birthday rental bike:


    It was a WONDERFUL birthday present from my wife, a former fellow student with us at school who I eventually married (the BEST decision of my life!!).

    Although I/WE might not be able ride out to San Diego from Texas, if you come out here, we'll find a way to get you out and ride some more and hopefully give you lots of other things to enjoy.

    Do you have a "Bucket List"? I know there are enough of us "old fart" veterans out here in San Diego that no matter what you want to do, we can find a way to make it happen!

    Semper Fi! - ya' squid! :-) Don't forget, we're both department of the Navy, but either way, we take care of our own.

  5. Cool picture Mike. We have to do some riding together.

  6. I don't really have a bucket list Mike, other than to have the most fun I can have while staying somewhat inside the lines of the law. A ride to Vegas might be fun!
