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Monday, June 13, 2011



Hey sports fans. No beating around the bush today.I woke up in the most pain to date.I have a heating pad on my hip, a few more pain pills than the doc said I should take and medical grade MJ. I have been up most of the night. I'm waiting for Beth to take me back to the hospital for pain control and then radiation treatment at the Hospital this afternoon. Going to try to get my motorcycle back down to San Diego.I am looking to fly back to San Diego Saturday. I am meeting Eric R and Mike C this friday afternoon for lunch. Feel free to join us. No place or time yet.

Tip of the day.
The doctors don't know everything. Just because they t, ell you that you only have a few weeks or years live,its just a educated guess. Let the power of your mind and the power of God to boost you on till the next day. Know there will will be a next day.Another ride on the bike,another ice cream cone.
Don't stop exercising! a little exercise is better then none. Just because your legs might be sore, force yourself to climb one more step. Don't wimp out.
Pray. I will never be accused of being Billy Graham, but I know the lord is watching over me and God is sending me his angels in the formofmy friends. You have all been so kind and supportive to me. Fight the urge to take your life. People ask me that all the time and I always say no. I have thought about it but there is no way I want to be remembered as being a quitter.Finish strong, finish hard, leave yourself on the playing field. I will never take my own life. I have fought to hard to do myself in.
Dont be afraid to say I love you. I got over the fear factor and I tell my friends, male or female. Love does not have to be sexual. The truth be told I have found that sex ruins more friend ships then it creates. I have always been in the pursuit of the next romance. The next woman. Its an obsession for me.I have killed friendships over trying to find "the One." There are many of you I love. I am not going to mention names, you know who you are.
Follow your dreams. Don't let anyone tell you you cant do something. Never give up, never throw in the towel

Well,I better get ready for the doctor. Peace and love to you all. There is a chance the doctors might admit me to the hospital for pain contol I don't want them to admit me. I fear if the check me in, I will not be walking out.


  1. Jim,

    Please remember that just because they admit you doesn't mean you HAVE to stay. You can always sign yourself out on an AMA (Against Medical Advice) notice. I don't know what that will do to your VA benefits, but I think that if you explain to them you'd rather be treated in San Diego, they might understand. OTOH, if you want to stay up there longer, we understand.

    Even if they admit you, you still have options. Talk to your doctors, question them until you're satisfied with their answers (that doesn't mean you have to like them, just that you understand what they're saying), then make up your own mind.

    YOU are the patient, and unless you're unconscious, YOU are the one in control. Too many people forget that and so do many doctors, until they run into a patient who understands and believes who's really in charge of their care. Some doctors don't like to be challenged, oh well. WE are the consumers, THEY are the medical providers.

    We're pulling for you!

    Mike & Kimberly

  2. This day, Jim, the angels rejoice!

    "God saved you through faith as an act of kindness. You had nothing to do with it. Being saved is a gift from God." Ephesians 2:8

    Trust and cling to God for He will be your strength, hope and peace. When you are weak, He is strong. I will pray and believe this for you, Jim.

    Standing with you, Beth

  3. Hey Mike and Kim !

    I am back from another day at the VA. I saw a doctor, had my pain medications increased. I had my 4th of 5 radiation treatments. When I went to the ER today I made it clear I did not want to be admitted.
